Call my doc

CallMyDoc is an OnePage HTML temple perfect for direct communication between patient and doctor. This site gives the opportunity for owners of private medical institutions to provide additional services to their users, such as a phone call, SMS communication, Viber, Skype or WhattsApp call and so on. This way, medical professionals can better cooperate through providers with their users and thus improve health and save lives for their patients as quickly as possible, to mutual satisfaction. In addition, CalMyDoc is a completely responsive site, adaptable to all devices and screens. The future owner will have complete control over the colors, style, images etc …

CallMyDoc Template Features

Fully Responsive Layout
Includes Images & Demo Data
Compatible with major browsers
Social Media Integration
Customizable colors, fonts, background and more
Easy to understand and editable code
Bootstrap 4 Alpha
Working Contact Form
One Simple PHP scripts, for sending email with contact info
Tested on iPhone

…and much more!

HTML Pages in Template:

Template Features

  • Customizable
  • Upload your own logo
  • Customize element
  • Customize font colors
  • Customize Google fonts
  • Customize Backgrounds
  • Full Responsive design
  • Social icon widgets
Call my doc
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